Tag Archive | LOL

Katanagatari ~ Ep. 1 ~ Well, action lovers, this review is not for you.


Of course, I’m not going to say I was thoroughly impressed with this first episode because I was expecting at least some more action but I like it all the same. The problem with the large amount of talking is really a trivial thing.

That is, after I watched the subs. Before that, it was just catching small phrases of what little Japanese I could understand and the rest was “NEED TRANSLATIONS!!!” lol XD;

Anyways, I’ll just clear this away before delving into the review. Katanagatari is obviously not everyone’s cup of tea. I get that.

If you happened to like it enough to want to continue, then that’s awesome. Please share with me your thoughts. Otherwise, please refrain from overly negative comments or just take them elsewhere. This is sort of a discussion review. I honestly don’t want to have to edit or delete comments for non-constructive remarks.

This is also my own critical analysis but in no way am I a critic nor do I want to be so don’t chew me out over my own thoughts. Capische?

Right, then onto the topic… (some overall impressions first, scroll down for the episode review)

Kimi ni Todoke ~ Ep. 15 ~ Guud raibarurii is guud. :3

Yay, another episode that impressed me this week. It impressed me so much that I went back into my old habit of taking an assload of screencaps (52 to exact). Not exactly up to my old SC! standard (which went up to 90 sometimes) but it’s still a lot. lol XD;

Ah~, I thought I would have a lot to say with this as well but it all wore away since I’m so dead tired so I’ll try to make this as quick as I can. Though I probably go off rambling on one topic or another but we’ll get to it when we get to it. ^^

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Shugo Chara!! Doki ~ Ep. 83

(Sorry for the lateness. Apparently, WP had an issue with the content of my blog so I couldn’t post until it was resolved.)


*composes self* …Mmkay, things on twitter were so full of uber crack! spam that 7-san had to message me if he needed to lock all our crazy fangirling in a cage box redirect everyone to iRC before twitter experienced a site meltdown…


Anyways, oho~…MVE is going to have a field day with this, alright (I swear, crack! is her caffeine and she’s awesome that way, lol). As for me?

Let’s just say I’ll be talking directly to a few of regular commenters in my post so if you feel left out, gomen, but I have to reference them cuz… JEEZUS CHRIST, WHAT IN THE WORLD IS SATELIGHT SMOKING?!

Shugo Chara!! Doki ~ Ep. 72

Ugh, late torrent = me not happy. But I’ll let it go this once because of obvious reasons. hehe

& oh noes, two SC! episode posts adjacent to each other. Not very good. I’ll try to post my Munto catch-up post later tonight if I can. That and some other stuff. Need to change the banner, too.

Mmkay, anyways, going to skip doing the summary for now and go straight to the commenting. Overall, this was a very good episode for all the development Lulu has gained (even if it does seem minimal but every little one counts!) and this weekend was just the weekend of all weekends, especially for us Amuto fans. ;D

Hmm, yep, so… just click this already.